DataClarity 2023.5 is here
DataClarity 2023.5 brings many innovations and enhancements to make analytics in your organization more powerful and seamless. Let’s recap some of the exciting features in the DataClarity 2023.5:
- Expansion of data preparation with new connectivity options, in-product notifications for shared content, and enhanced dataset identification with visual icons.
- Enjoy multiple enhancements to streamline collaboration and elevate overall usability and user experience, revamped GuideMe, and improved profile avatars.
- Level up your storyboard design and visualizations with an improved UI pane and persistent dataset selection, enhanced table widget appearance, and margin settings for Gauge chart titles.
- Empower end users to extract deeper insights with advanced data filtering previously reserved for authors.
Get DataClarity or upgrade to DataClarity 2023.5 today to take advantage of all these great innovations.